
Matt Hancock MP and the Stagecoach Route Cancellations

As many of you will be aware, Stagecoach has taken the decision to cancel Routes 11 and 12. These routes run from Newmarket, Bury St Edmunds, and Ely to Cambridge. I know that these routes are a lifeline for so many to get to work, school, essential medical appointments, and to be connected to friends and family.

I am deeply concerned about this decision. I have been in contact with Stagecoach and the local authority to ensure that your concerns are heard and to fight this decision. It is not acceptable for Stagecoach to cancel essential services, particularly when they have received Government funding to continue to run these services. .

The reason for me writing to you is to get your views and opinions on this subject. I want to hear about how you will be impacted by their cancellation. This will allow me to continue to convey your views to Stagecoach and the other bodies involved in this decision. Please be assured that I will do all I can to fight this decision and hearing your views will help me in this endeavour. .

It is important to me that I listen to the views of all constituents, so I can best represent you in these discussions. .
To express your views please go to my website and fill in the survey, which is linked here: www.matt-hancock.com/campaigns/i-want-hear-your-thoughts-cancellation-routes-11-and-12
I look forward to hearing from you.

Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP
Member of Parliament for West Suffolk

House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA | 020 7219 7186
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#Politics #Jo Churchill #Matt Hancock #stagecoach
Matt Hancock

Matt Hancock

Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP
Member of Parliament for West Suffolk
House of Commons , London , SW1A 0AA
020 7219 7186
Follow Matt on Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / Matt Hancock App